Settling in South Louisiana

Back in the States, working for a Caribbean resort company that includes travel to the islands! I am settling in Lafayette, LA. I have bought furniture since renting a furnished apartment would totally blow my budget. It is definitely more expensive to live in the States than in Europe. I miss the beautiful historic buildings and the European lifestyle, but this time, I was very selective about the type of job/client I chose, and I passed on several opportunities that would have kept me in Europe. However, I truly wanted to stay in the travel/hospitality industry. So, I took a breather from Europe and job seeking there. I stayed with my sister in Connecticut for a while, interviewing for several jobs I had no interest in. Until one day, out of the blue, a job with a major resort company in the Caribbean landed in my lap. I never applied with them. They found me via my website and texted me while I was sitting at the New Orleans airport. I almost didn't respond, but I am glad...