A Challenging Week Abroad

To say it has been a challenging week would actually be an understatement. Getting sick in another country is not fun, but I learned a lot, and it is true necessity is the mother of all invention. Somehow, I drank or ate something that did not agree with me. And two weeks after I got here, Montezuma’s Revenge set in. Day one, I thought, ok, this will stop tomorrow. Nope. Day two, which was a Friday, and it was still going strong. I only had bottled water to drink, and my stomach was getting upset. I was getting weak and dehydrated. I had just moved into my new apartment and didn’t have a lot of time to go shopping yet. So, Saturday morning, I found a Pharmacy open at 7 am, dragged myself out of bed, and used my translation app to tell the pharmacist who did not speak English I needed something for severe diarrhea. Sunday would have been too late as I learned most everything is closed here in Poland. I also bought a gallon of apple juice, some bananas to replace my electrolytes, ...