Halloween, Pumpkin Pie and More Releasing Ahead!

It’s October and my favorite season of the year, Autumn. I love the colors, the cooler weather and the pumpkin pie! I feel Halloween starts the holiday season, followed by my birthday and Thanksgiving next month and finally Christmas and New Year’s. And along with many others, I will happily usher out 2015. Like many lightworkers in these new energies my path has been redirected several times this year. October’s energies again speak to releasing what no longer serves you. And Lord knows, I’ve done some releasing this year. Some of my own accord, some not. I am hoping that my intuitive readings and my writing will help those struggling to follow their own light path as well as bring me the fulfillment I’ve searched for in my career life. My writings can be followed at two spiritual online magazines where I am a columnist – The Magic Happens http://themagichappensnow.com/ and Global Light Minds http://www.globallightminds.com/ I have also been writing my own personal blog...