The Change That Makes A Difference

It's already mid-July for crying out loud. It's summer, and things have slowed down here in the South. The humidity hangs in the air as the sun beats it's a familiar feeling on your skin. It rains daily, keeping the trees and grass a pleasant shade of green. The insect life here is impressive, to say the least. Thank God mosquitos don't like me. The bullfrogs sound like ducks quacking in the backyard at night, and one beat his way to the front door as if wanting to come. He kept jumping into it, sounded like someone was knocking. The oil spill lingers on people's minds and hearts, much like a cancer cell that grows larger. I heard BP is hiring adjusters. Many are applying. Me, I've slowed down and have had time to make the necessary changes that were required. I've taken the time to dream of a new life. The old one just didn't suit me. I don't even know who that person is anymore. I suppose many of my friends have not been able to underst...