Labor Pains, Birthing a New Earth one Lightworker at a Time!

This last year has been slow going, packed full of false starts, roads that led nowhere and doors that refused to open for many lightworkers. But we still get up in the morning have our coffee or tea and keep on trying. Sure we’ve failed at times, but that doesn’t stop those following the light. The old saying “fall down seven times, get up eight,” really hits home for many of us. Getting back up means the deep belief that God does have a plan and that we are a part of His divine plan. But when we walk down these dark hallways at times hoping that a path forward will materialize, we begin to wonder if somehow God has forgotten us. He hasn’t. Divine timing is everything. If I have learned anything in this journey towards the light, waiting for divine timing has been my hardest yet most meaningful lesson. In the past, I’ve pushed doors open that weren’t meant to be walked through by me, with not so happy results. Now, I have learned to respect God’s decision not to open doors....