New Beginnings – Birthday Day Time

It’s November once again. My favorite month of the year, because it’s fall and my birthday month. This year numerically it’s a one month, meaning new beginnings or at least I am hoping. To say the least 2015 has been a very trying year for me. It included the breakup of a long-term relationship that didn’t serve me well and career-wise three back to back jobs dissolved and some not so pleasantly. I have to believe there is some reason for all this change. Ascension experts say it’s the purging all of that does not honor us. We need to be empty. Gee thanks, God. I think I am done with the emptying process. Can we now get to the filling process? Thank you! I intend to grow my angel card business by offering services to those who want to follow their own light. To create my own e-store by providing positive, enlightening and new age gifts. And I want to continue to write what my heart desires to write about spiritual topics and to help others who are also searching for a more spir...