The Void - Time to Release the Painful Past

As the new 5D energies flood the earth and all its inhabitants, all indications are that we are now in a void time before our rebirth that is to happen sometime early in 2018. What we are to concentrate on is the final releasing of limiting beliefs, people and situations in our lives that do not honor us or hold us back from becoming who were are truly meant to be - enlightened beings. Many situations that have been in the shadows on this planet are being uncovered. All the sexual harassment victims coming forward to the corruption in our government being exposed, the light is shining on these dark matters to heal them. This process is happening on a soul level as well. For many lightworkers your painful past may be coming up for its final release into the divine light. You must feel this pain to release it. So it's not unusual to experience depression and sadness during this cleansing process. You must honor this path because it will lead you to your next rebirth. ...