
Showing posts from January 9, 2022

Following Your Intuition like A High Priestess

Looking back on my life, I’ve often discounted my intuition to disastrous ends. Or maybe it was just that I didn’t know how to use it. Over the years, and having had experience following my gut or not following my gut feeling, I’ve learned how to navigate life better using my intuition. We all have intuitive abilities. Not all of us know how to use it. Some people deny it exists. They follow their heads and not their hearts. But that ability still exists in everyone should we choose to honor it. For me, it’s always been there. I’ve worked with it to heighten its ability to lead my life. Now, I can walk into a room and know its vibe. There are certain people I connect with and certain people I don’t. And I’ve learned not to force situations that weren’t meant to be. The High Priestess is the epitome of intuition. She sits on her throne, ruling over her kingdom, her life, and her passions. She is situated between a black pillar representing the underworld and a white pillar represe...