Following Your Intuition like A High Priestess

Looking back on my life, I’ve often discounted my intuition to disastrous ends. Or maybe it was just that I didn’t know how to use it. Over the years, and having had experience following my gut or not following my gut feeling, I’ve learned how to navigate life better using my intuition.

We all have intuitive abilities. Not all of us know how to use it. Some people deny it exists. They follow their heads and not their hearts. But that ability still exists in everyone should we choose to honor it.

For me, it’s always been there. I’ve worked with it to heighten its ability to lead my life. Now, I can walk into a room and know its vibe. There are certain people I connect with and certain people I don’t. And I’ve learned not to force situations that weren’t meant to be.

The High Priestess is the epitome of intuition. She sits on her throne, ruling over her kingdom, her life, and her passions. She is situated between a black pillar representing the underworld and a white pillar representing the light of the divine. The pillars also depict the duality of nature; masculine and feminine, good and evil, negative and positive.

She is the third pillar - the path between. She believes that both pillars are equal, and there is knowledge to be learned in both worlds. She knows how to navigate both the darkness and light, but the light leads her. How do we know the light leads her? She wears a cross at the center of her chest, denoting her connection to God, Christ consciousness, and all that is. It is no accident that it lays over her heart. You will find depictions of Christ pointing to a glowing heart at the center of his chest, which means let your heart lead you. And it has long been known that the heart has its own intelligence.

Across her lap, she holds the Sefer Torah, the most important and sacred document in Judaism, revered as the word of God (and said to have been revealed to Moses). The Sefer Torah is a hand-written copy of the Torah in the form of a scroll. This depicts she holds secret knowledge given to her by God. I believe this knowledge is her intuition combined with her connection to God and his almighty wisdom.

Behind her is a trellis filled with pomegranates, representing her passions and determination to follow her path led by her heart and passions. The crescent moon at her feet means that she has a complete grasp over her emotions. She is guided by the light, using her power over her emotions, and balancing her intelligence and intuition. You will also notice that she wears the crown of Isis, meaning that she is a believer of magic and her ability to manifest what she wants in life.

When The High Priestess shows up in a reading, it may indicate to use your intuition to determine whether a situation is right for you. Or it could mean you have the intuition to make a choice in this situation. It could also mean your intuition is gaining power. If the card shows up in the reverse position, it means you aren’t using your intuition which will lead you down the wrong path.

The High Priestess is a two in the major arcana. She has already decided she wants a new life and takes a new path, The Fool Card. She has decided on what she wants and goes after it, The Magician Card.

Now, she sits on her thrown awaiting the opportunities, people, and things to show up. She uses her power to determine whether this is of the light taking her on her desired path or if it is of the dark or old energy taking her back down the old path that she left as The Fool.

She realizes that when one is in the manifestation stage and asks for more, the Universe will send you both light and dark. Duality exists as a teaching tool. So, she sits upon her throne and accesses and uses her intuition to consider the offers before her.

She knows she has free will to act upon all offers and that many will lead her away from her desired outcome, which will keep her repeating an old cycle until she learns it and makes a different choice the next time it is presented to her. However, she has the intuition to determine the right offers, the ones that will lead her to more, more love, more abundance, more passion, and more joy.

The High Priestess sits in the gestation period before giving birth to a new life, which is made manifest in The Empress Card, which we will cover next month.







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