Settling in South Louisiana

 Back in the States, working for a Caribbean resort company that includes travel to the islands! I am settling in Lafayette, LA.

I have bought furniture since renting a furnished apartment would totally blow my budget. It is definitely more expensive to live in the States than in Europe. I miss the beautiful historic buildings and the European lifestyle, but this time, I was very selective about the type of job/client I chose, and I passed on several opportunities that would have kept me in Europe. However, I truly wanted to stay in the travel/hospitality industry. 

So, I took a breather from Europe and job seeking there. I stayed with my sister in Connecticut for a while, interviewing for several jobs I had no interest in. Until one day, out of the blue, a job with a major resort company in the Caribbean landed in my lap. I never applied with them. They found me via my website and texted me while I was sitting at the New Orleans airport. I almost didn't respond, but I am glad I did. I really think putting your intentions out there and just sitting back and forgetting about them really works. I knew what I wanted, and it wasn't coming sending out resumes to jobs that really didn't resonate with me. 

In addition, while I was traveling in the States, my Toulouse landlord sold the flat I lived in. So, I literally would have had to move again. And I had just moved from Poland to France. Plus, I don’t think I was ever going to learn French. And my honest opinion is to fit into the community -- you need to learn their language.

I hadn’t planned on returning to Lafayette, but I have friends here, and I know the city, having covered Acadiana as a journalist. And I love Cajun food. I cannot wait until king cakes are available and crawfish season begins.

I chose a community in Lafayette where I didn’t need a car. In Europe, you truly don’t need one if you live within the city limits. And I loved that fact. Both in Krakow and Toulouse, I walked or used the car apps that picked you up within minutes.

After picking up some organic strawberries and blueberries during my morning walk, I’ve concluded it’s a very walk-friendly area with many amenities on the South side of Lafayette.

There are sidewalks for pedestrians and pedestrian crossings with electronic indicators. I saw people walking and running today on my journey, which is good. This will probably continue as the summer fades into fall and cooler weather arrives on the scene.

There are plenty of shops, banks, restaurants, and two organic grocery stores within 10 minutes of me by foot. There’s a larger grocery store and many more shops, walking about 30 minutes one way.

Upon returning from Punta Cana this fall, I may consider getting a bicycle since the sidewalks seem to be very ridable by bike. At times, I miss having a car, but I feel that having a car would just mean less exercise and a lot more expense. So, we shall see as the months wear on here in Lafayette, LA.

I must also find somewhere to recycle my cans and plastic bottles around River Ranch. In Europe, they made it easy. Here, not so much. If anybody knows where I can drop off recyclables close to me, let me know.



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