New York, New York

I am heading back to New York City next month for three weeks. It's been five years and much has happened and much that I had thought would happen did not. I am going to be working out of my company's NYC office, so I won't take but one or two days of vacation. I feel the need to reconnect with some old friends and spend some time with my sister who still lives there. And I miss the food. One of the first things I am going to do is eat a New York bagel with cream cheese! Oh, how I miss NYC bagels! They just aren't the same anywhere else. I worked in Manhattan from 2002 to 2009 and pretty quickly I adopted a love/hate relationship with the Big Apple. Loved the availability and variety of of food, the people from all over the world, the night life, the not having to have a car, but hated the cost of just about everything and the crowds. The city wore me down. Being an empath the city became unbearable on a daily basis. So yada, yada, Seinfeld would s...