New York, New York

I am heading back to New York City next month for three weeks. It's been five years and much has happened and much that I had thought would happen did not.

I am going to be working out of my company's NYC office, so I won't take but one or two days of vacation. I feel the need to reconnect with some old friends and spend some time with my sister who still lives there.

And I miss the food. One of the first things I am going to do is eat a New York bagel with cream cheese! Oh, how I miss NYC bagels! They just aren't the same anywhere else.

I worked in Manhattan from 2002 to 2009 and pretty quickly I adopted a love/hate relationship with the Big  Apple. Loved the availability and variety of of food, the people from all over the world, the night life, the not having to have a car, but hated the cost of just about everything and the crowds.

The city wore me down. Being an empath the city became unbearable on a daily basis. So yada, yada, Seinfeld would say...I now live in the South, own my own home and live a much quieter life. I will never forget the times I had in NYC, the good and the bad. It changed me. It made me stronger. It made my career as a marketing and communications director. My first job in NYC was at a weekly real estate paper (well I did work at Victoria Secret until I could get a writing gig) and I rose through the ranks quickly ultimately becoming the Marketing and Communications Director at a major international commercial real estate firm five years later. I also did a stint as a magazine editor at a real estate magazine where I attended many a party. And yes, I met Donald Trump and many like him. It just wasn't me. I grew tired of smiling for the camera and talking to people who seemed to only care about money or their next real estate deal.

NYC is one big ego trip, and sure you have to do it, but soon you find out how empty being at the top truly is. So I left for parts West in 2009 and never looked back.

I am now in Youngsville, LA after a short stint in Albuquerque, NM that totally did not work out. Here in Louisiana I've joined a local Catholic Church and feel more centered than I ever have before in my life. And this year I started my own business Following The Light, giving Angel Card readings to whoever is drawn to my light.

So NYC here I come again, more centered, less ego driven and with a lot more soul.

Thank you God for this journey towards the Light!


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