Settling Into My New Life Abroad - Krakow Two Weeks On

As I prepare to move into my new apartment, I've taken a city tour, walked several times around Rynek Główny (Main Market in English), discovered the 270-store, three-floor modern mall and train station, and now feel more settled into living here. Rynek Główny: The main square of the Old Town of Kraków, Lesser Poland, is the principal urban space located at the center of the city. It dates back to the 13th century and is the largest medieval town square in Europe. Meanwhile, I've sent out a few resumes, opened a bank account, and figured out my monthly budget. Money goes a lot further here because everything is so much cheaper than in the states. Food, housing, utilities, you name it, it's cheaper. I ordered a 30 cm pizza with 5 toppings delivered for under $7. In the states, that would be $15 to $20 at least. Breakfast or lunch is only $3 and $4. When I go grocery shopping, I can get three bags of groceries for under $10. My one-bedroom apartment comes fully furnished wi...