About This Blog

"One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious." - Carl Jung

I began this blog in 2010 when I just left New York City for parts West entitling it "Following the Light" and then "Awakening to the Light" and finally "The Awakened Traveler." So, why the new title and why now. I am starting a new adventure abroad in 2021. For the past 20 years or more, I have gone through a spiritual awakening and I love to travel.  I will be able to finally live out my lifelong dream of living abroad next year and traveling while based in Krakow, Poland as a TEFL instructor. 

This blog spans a decade with many trials and tribulations to finally realize that the light I was searching for in the external world was inside me all along. The only thing that carried me through the darkest days was my belief that I was part of the God Source. My truth is that I am a spiritual being that is being called to awaken and increase in vibration that adds to others that are also awakening. Our energies will carry this planet, into a new phase of its existence.

I believe that this awakening process cannot be completed until you empty it of all the things that separate you from the God Source. Warning: this process takes a lot of alone time and is not for the weak at heart. It calls you to reach into the deepest parts of your being, to access and process your wounds, your addictions, and your limiting beliefs to expose them to the light to be healed. And it is a long, arduous process that can span your entire life. There are some who say they had an instant awakening. Not so for me and many others.

I have up til now been emptying out all the pain, all the false beliefs, all the addictions, and all the anger in my soul. And it wasn't just my pain, it was an entire lineage of pain. I took down the Following The Light website in July of 2018 the day after the longest lunar eclipse in 120 years. The old me, the old website had to die for me to start anew. 

You can read about my journey in my previous blog entries which have been downloaded to this blog.

Everyone’s life is filled with things that don’t honor them, that hold them back, that keep them stuck, and until you accept it, work through it and let it go, as well as accept yourself as a spiritual being having a human experience, it will be difficult to reach the higher vibration necessary to ascend into 5D. But be gentle with yourself and hopefully, the words here will resonate with you.

May God bless you on your journey of awakening. 




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