The Power Couple – The Empress and The Emperor

 If both The Empress and The Emperor come up in a tarot reading, it means this is a power couple!

Why are they a power couple? They both rule over their empire. They both have manifested success in their lives. They are both happy in their own right. They can both stand alone successfully when not together.

The Empress sits on her padded throne with her abundance all around her. Her crops have just started to sprout out of the ground before her. On her left side is a stone with the Venus sign denoting her as the Devine Feminine and representing true love. She has a lush forest behind her with a flowing waterfall on her right side. The sky is a bright yellow signifying her happiness.

She also stands for fertility and the beginnings of manifestation in your life. Her gown is dotted with red flowers, denoting passion, and is white, symbolizing purity.

When she appears in a male’s reading, this foretells true love. As The Empress is also the divine mother in the tarot, she can also denote a mother or motherly figure. She represents a caring, giving female in the querent's

Should she appear reversed, it could be that someone is withholding their love for you or cannot express it. It could also represent you if you are creatively blocked or need to concentrate on self-love and care.

The Emperor represents very different energy in the tarot. One of authority and the divine masculine or a fatherly figure. He sits upon his throne with his jeweled crown ruling over his kingdom with an iron fist. He possesses all the wisdom of the four kings in the tarot, King of Pentacles, King of Cups, King of Wands, and King of Swords. His elderly appearance denotes his wisdom and years.

When he appears in a reading, he can represent a boss, a father, a brother, or any other male figure who has authority over you or a respectful male advisor. If he appears reversed, it could mean that someone in your life is abusing their authority over you. It can also mean the querent is abusing their power in a situation.

When appearing together upright, The Empress and The Emperor can mean a power couple has come or is coming together. This couple is both successful and happy, and this would be a fulfilling coupling because both can manifest abundance without the other.

When a man and woman are happy within themselves, there is an equal give and take in the relationship. Their relationship is based on mutual passions and love. Not on need, which The Devil card in the tarot can represent.

When The Devil card appears in a love reading, it denotes a toxic dependent relationship when one or both of the people involved have addictions or the relationship is based on a trauma bond. It’s because one or both of the people involved expecting the other to complete them, or one has power over the other.

Whereas the Emperor and The Empress are complete, they are just as powerful by themselves as they are within the relationship. So, that’s why when this pair appears in a reading, depending of course, on the other cards around them, they are the perfect couple, a balanced couple, and would make a successful pairing for a long-term relationship that may lead to marriage. 


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