Living Abroad - Year One

It’s been nearly a year since I arrived in Poland. I thought to teach English to foreign language students, but the Universe apparently had other plans. And I can finally say I have firm footing here living abroad. Krakow, Poland - Wawel Castle A lot has happened over the last year, which seems to have flown by. I came here through the sponsorship of a TEFL business. I wasn’t all that impressed with the support, and low and behold, that business lost its ability to sponsor work permits in Poland. The announcement came in late December with an end date of June 30, 2022. So, I had some time to figure out what was next. In the meantime, I have been working as a content writer for several businesses in Poland. Some of my other colleagues attached to the English TEFL business were severely impacted. There were over 400 teachers from all over the world, from Africa to Canada, that came here to Poland under this business sponsorship. Since the US had an agreement with Poland, I was...