Postive Changes - 2014 Year of the Horse

OMG another year is here...and so much is changing in my life yet again. Just bought a house, have two new pets, my boyfriend and I are getting serious, and I am starting my Following The Light business this year, which will include intuitive angel card readings. I don't know about you, but for me 2013 was a year of great transition. Emotionally I let go of so much of the thought processes that kept me stuck. Spiritually I joined a Catholic church and am going to be a confirmed Catholic on Feb. 1st. I felt I needed structure in my spiritual life and my grandmother on my mother's side was Catholic and believe she has led me to the church. I remember her reading her rosary every night and when she came to visit over the weekends my Dad taking her to mass on Sunday. She was so at peace with her life and always so positive. I miss you grammy. My sister and brother came out for Thanksgiving last year and it was so nice to visit with them. The Nelsons hadn't been together ...