Give Yourself Time to Choose Wisely

Many of us enlightened beings on this planet are undergoing deep change. And sometimes it takes time to integrate all those changes. In my life, I just left an area that kept me stuck. The life path had played itself out and I learned all I could from it. So, I have moved from the Deep South to the Northeast to be near family, and to further my writing career as well as deepen my spiritual life. I am happy with the move. I just wish things would happen more quickly. I keep getting the message “give it time.” In these new energies, there is no need to force things to happen. And that is very hard for someone who is used to working hard to make things happen. God is asking us to take a step back at this time at least in my life anyway. Sure, I am taking action on my dreams, but I am being very careful about what I let in this time around. I have learned the hard way that everything that is presented to you isn’t for you. It is merely a choice. In the choosing, we find our way clo...