Spring Equinox – Total Solar Eclipse – New Beginnings 2015 – StayConscious to the Changes

Today is the Spring Equinox combined with a total solar eclipse. Both point to new beginnings and that’s just where I find myself this day of March 20, 2015. I resigned my corporate job that was more draining than fulfilling and gave up on trying to make a four-year relationship work. So I ponder my unknown future this year wiser and happier and trusting that God will place me along a more joy-filled path. Eclipses, which are paired in twos, with the total lunar eclipse following on April 4 th , brings much needed change. If you have worked on making changes, they won’t be so shocking. If you haven’t, well you are in for a painful ride. My career and my relationship needed to change and try as I might to keep hanging in there, the planetary energy and God’s destiny for me just wouldn’t allow that to happen. I had to let go and let God. I believe the old saying “birds of a feather flock together,” which my friend just echoed to me earlier this week, is just the process ...