Being Empty, It's a Good Thing!

We've all heard the saying "God can't fill a cup that is full. A cup must be empty before it can be filled with the new." But what does that truly mean? For me, it meant I needed to let go of people, places and things that kept me from changing and dropping beliefs about life that no longer served my higher good. I currently find myself with an empty cup, but it's a good empty. At first, I felt an immediate need to fill that cup with something, anything. But I have learned that true happiness doesn't come from external circumstances and if it does your happiness will always depend on something outside yourself. Even though many times people complain about their jobs, lifestyles, friends, and spouses, they keep making the same decisions. They keep filling their cup with the very things they say are making them unhappy. That's a safe choice. It doesn't require us to change. True change comes with risk-taking, with the possibility of failure, and ...