2019 A Year of Preparation - Sitting on Empty

If your life has been torn asunder and you aren’t sure of what’s next, you are right where you need to be. 2019 and the years preceding it has been hell on wheels for many lightworkers or those choosing to ascend. I believe I speak for many on a spiritual path that the last several months and years have not been easy to endure. In preparation of 2020, 2019 is the last push to finally let go and release all that doesn’t serve us. All that we cannot take with us on our latest journeys, all that would hold us to the old paradigm has to dissolve. Whether you do it or the Universe does it for you, you will find yourself having to sit empty at some period this year. In fact, waiting for the new to be birthed is where many of us find ourselves at this moment. We are still in a Mercury retrograde as I write this and heading into April. Sitting in limbo has caused many a sleepless night, but the worry doesn’t help anything to come faster. You just must be patient and wait on divin...