The Fool Card - Starting Anew

After making too many mistakes, too many bad choices, too many wrong turns that took me to my knees, I am ready to begin another The Fool's journey and start life anew here in Krakow, Poland. After rereading my blog, you would think I would have the answers to life at this point. Besides having a strong connection to the divine, I can't advise anyone on how to proceed down the unknown avenues of life. How does one know what door will lead them to nirvana or a life of living hell? When you can't go back and the past is washed away this is your indication to start a brand new passage through the unknown. When another one of life's sojourns beckons you onward will you take the road less traveled? If so, will it be a successful journey? Will there be even bigger lessons to learn? What do you take with you? The Fool card (the first card in the major arcana) depicts a young boy with only a sack on a stick and a dog ready to jump off a cliff. He takes nothing but lessons from...