The Fool Card - Starting Anew

After making too many mistakes, too many bad choices, too many wrong turns that took me to my knees, I am ready to begin another The Fool's journey and start life anew here in Krakow, Poland.

After rereading my blog, you would think I would have the answers to life at this point. Besides having a strong connection to the divine, I can't advise anyone on how to proceed down the unknown avenues of life. How does one know what door will lead them to nirvana or a life of living hell? 

When you can't go back and the past is washed away this is your indication to start a brand new passage through the unknown. When another one of life's sojourns beckons you onward will you take the road less traveled? If so, will it be a successful journey? Will there be even bigger lessons to learn? What do you take with you?

The Fool card (the first card in the major arcana) depicts a young boy with only a sack on a stick and a dog ready to jump off a cliff. He takes nothing but lessons from his last journey. You cannot be weighted down with all the old baggage that kept you repeating the last episode of your life, because The World card (the last card in the major arcana) came in and said "you've learned all you can from this life experience. It's time for a new journey." You have completed the circle of life on this path.

But are we merely in this endless cycle of the Fool's Journey in the Tarot or Joseph Campbell's Hero's Journey

What rings true for me is that we came here to experience for the God source and hopefully, we make better choices as the wheel of life turns. Hopefully, after all, our passages down the roads less traveled we have a better understanding of ourselves and the world around us.

But that's the thing. There isn't this magical scroll that comes down before us to read that tells us this. We have no idea what this new path will bring. It's more than faith. It is an inner knowing and having learned from the mistakes that took us down wrong turns. 

I think life is about making fewer mistakes and enjoying the moment wherever it leads us. You can't disregard the mistakes though. They made you who you are. And that's the point. The Fool makes his new journey unencumbered because he has learned and let go of past mistakes, but in his knapsack are the lessons.

Here's my video on how to interpret The Fool Card.

Here's to all the hero's I've met throughout my life of taking the road less traveled. You've made an impact on my life. Whether you loved me or hurt me, you made me who I am today, and today I sit here on the precipice of my new life abroad. Where it will take me I don't know. 


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