Losing Friends, Gaining a New Earth

Over the past few years, lightworkers have been given a choice to either remain in third-dimensional reality or to ascend to new the fifth-dimensional reality. This was especially true over the last eclipse period in August. I just felt that the Universe was giving us all a final choice point. For me it was an easy decision to want to continue to evolve spiritually with mother Gaia. I could no more stay in the 3rd-dimensional reality than I could have stayed in high school. It was time to graduate out of that fear-based thinking that has kept me stuck all these years. We’ve also had to consciously leave behind the people, places and things that did not serve our higher good. I did a releasing ceremony during the August 7 th lunar eclipse. During the August 21 st Total Solar eclipse, I did an intention setting ceremony reciting out loud what I wanted to bring in within the next few years ahead. However, I know a lot of people who have either consciously or unconsciously chosen...