Losing Friends, Gaining a New Earth

Over the past few years, lightworkers have been given a choice to either remain in third-dimensional reality or to ascend to new the fifth-dimensional reality. This was especially true over the last eclipse period in August. I just felt that the Universe was giving us all a final choice point.

For me it was an easy decision to want to continue to evolve spiritually with mother Gaia. I could no more stay in the 3rd-dimensional reality than I could have stayed in high school. It was time to graduate out of that fear-based thinking that has kept me stuck all these years.

We’ve also had to consciously leave behind the people, places and things that did not serve our higher good. I did a releasing ceremony during the August 7th lunar eclipse. During the August 21st Total Solar eclipse, I did an intention setting ceremony reciting out loud what I wanted to bring in within the next few years ahead.

However, I know a lot of people who have either consciously or unconsciously chosen to remain in the unevolved state of being. Remaining in 3rd-dimensional reality means one has opted not to evolve and to remain in drama and chaos of the earth plane. They remain in the old energy thinking of life happens to them instead of for them.

Even though most lightworkers wouldn’t have it any other way, choosing to ascend to 5th-dimensional reality also has its consequences. One of the biggest challenges I noticed was that it has become extremely difficult to maintain a relationship with those who are still in 3rd-dimensional thinking.

I found I could no longer to relate to them or the issues they kept wanting to discuss, especially with my psychic abilities continuing to evolve. I found their victim consciousness or drama queen mentalities or fear-based thinking was a huge drain on me. I realized too that in the past they had turned to me to listen and offer advice.

So, I lost a lot of people in my life over the last year. Right now, I sit here with very few friends and know that when the time is right new people will enter - my soul family. People who are a vibrational match to mine. People who have chosen to evolve with this new earth.


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