What Do You Need to Let Go of Before the New Year?

We are at a very important period in human energy evolution, and many of us are processing what has brought us to this place in time of December 2017. We are now beginning to realize we create our lives with Source. We can no longer be deluded by the old paradigm of thinking Source controls us. We are part of the God Source, and we are responsible for co-creating our own reality. So, in knowing that We Create Our Reality with Source. Before the New Year begins you are being asked: What do you want to create for yourself in 2018? What is limiting you and not allowing you to expand into that reality? What do you need to let go of in order to manifest that intention into reality? I set my intentions during the eclipse cycle that took place in August 2017 that included the total solar eclipse over the United States. I knew that I could not remain in the existence I was currently living. Since the beginning of the year, I started feeling the need to take charge of my life an...