What Do You Need to Let Go of Before the New Year?
We are at a very important period in human energy evolution, and many of us are processing what has brought us to this place in time of December 2017. We are now beginning to realize we create our lives with Source. We can no longer be deluded by the old paradigm of thinking Source controls us. We are part of the God Source, and we are responsible for co-creating our own reality.
So, in knowing that We Create Our Reality with Source. Before the New Year begins you are being asked:
Earlier this year, my brother who had a nervous breakdown after his second divorce was living with me. And because he was not taking responsibility for his own happiness, I spent my own energy trying to fix him. Being an empathic being, I can not be around depression or negativity and being a caring person I try to fix people. I realized no matter what I said or did, he was never going to be happy. So, I called my sister and said “no more. He’s got to move in with you.” And he did.
I also quit a part-time retail job, a blogging gig and a magazine editing gig was put on hiatus. I was working four jobs at the time my brother left. I quit all but one as a content writer, which I still have. I pulled back my energy from everything that wasn't feeding me anymore. I literally had no time to create anything new, because I was constantly keeping myself busy with the old. Creating something new takes idle time, time to think and time to be silent and connect with source.
If you keep expending your energy on things that don't honor you, feed you, or you are not passionate about, then you aren't in the state of allowing new creation. In fact, you are in the opposite energy of being stuck. I literally felt like I was living out the movie Ground Hog's Day. I felt like I couldn't keep repeating the same day over and over and couldn't figure out how to escape.
Many people, places, and situations are dampening fields upon your vibrational growth. They don’t allow you to grow vibrationally. Whatever lesson you were supposed to learn is over, but you feel trapped and find it difficult to cut out what no longer serves your higher good. The first step is being conscious that change needs to occur.
You'll know when it's time to let a friendship or situation go. You no longer feel like seeing them or going to that job. You don't feel connected to that energy.
Changing vibrational frequency reminds me of the original Star Trek episode "Wink of an Eye" where Kirk's vibration is accelerated by a higher vibrational being? The Star Trek crew cannot see him when he is in the same room. (I swear the creator of Star Trek Gene Roddenberry had to have been a time traveler). When he speaks all they can hear is buzzing. That’s how it feels. You feel invisible to others. You don’t fit into their world anymore. In 2017, you were asked to make the choice to either remain in 3D or to change and become 5th dimensional. I decided to accelerate.
Not only did I have to let go of people and situations. I had to let go of the limiting beliefs that allowed them into my life in the first place. I had to realize I created the situation that currently existed in my life. I was at a huge crossroads. I could either continue with the life I didn't want to live or I could create a new one. But I couldn't create a new one with the old belief system or 3D programs of lack and fear running in the background. I became more conscious of every decision, every word I spoke and every thought I had. And I realized much stemmed from my dysfunctional childhood, which my brother living with me helped to identify. If not for him coming to live with me I might not have identified it. My brother was a gift from the Universe showing me that there was very little, love, joy or happiness in our family of origin. And that greatly affected us as adults. When you are used to unloving, unhappy situations you naturally draw that energy to you. So I started to change once he left. I sat with myself and knew I had to change in order to change the situations around me. Your life is a mirror of what you have created in the past with your predominant thoughts and beliefs.
So as the Universe often does, it provided the teacher I needed, Dr. Joe Dispenza. I listened to every youtube video that I could that featured him to understand that I had to change at an energetic level before my external life could change. I had to feel the changes I wanted to create in my life before they became a reality. I spent a lot of time alone this year and started to feel much more positive about my future.
However, during the Christmas holiday this year, I was not in a celebratory mood. For the first time I didn’t go Christmas shopping and didn’t receive any gifts to open, but that was not the reason for the somber emotional state. This entire month was more like a funeral for the "old 3D me." The old me I could not take where I was going vibrationally. Somehow we feel a sense of security with the old us even though we know it hasn't served us well.
Just this week I spoke out loud to spirit “I want out of the matrix.” And Voila I received tons of information on how to do just that. I just happened upon a Facebook live cast that talked about leaving the matrix and a Youtube video as well. Just Google it or search on Youtube.com. It’s all out there for anyone seeking to leave the fear-based 3D world in which most of us are currently living.
2018 is going to prove to be the year many exit 3D. I just feel it, especially in my own life. I have sold most of my furniture. Putting my house up for sale by year’s end and seeking employment in the Florida Panhandle. I am done with the old me. I am done living in the state of fear and lack.

I want to be around like-minded people. People who vibrate at the same frequency. People who are the creators of their own reality. Your vibe will match your tribe. Here’s to another wonderful year of raising our vibration for all of the human tribe! We are truly going where no man has gone before!
Happy New Year everyone. Much love and light!
So, in knowing that We Create Our Reality with Source. Before the New Year begins you are being asked:
- What do you want to create for yourself in 2018?
- What is limiting you and not allowing you to expand into that reality?
- What do you need to let go of in order to manifest that intention into reality?
Earlier this year, my brother who had a nervous breakdown after his second divorce was living with me. And because he was not taking responsibility for his own happiness, I spent my own energy trying to fix him. Being an empathic being, I can not be around depression or negativity and being a caring person I try to fix people. I realized no matter what I said or did, he was never going to be happy. So, I called my sister and said “no more. He’s got to move in with you.” And he did.
I also quit a part-time retail job, a blogging gig and a magazine editing gig was put on hiatus. I was working four jobs at the time my brother left. I quit all but one as a content writer, which I still have. I pulled back my energy from everything that wasn't feeding me anymore. I literally had no time to create anything new, because I was constantly keeping myself busy with the old. Creating something new takes idle time, time to think and time to be silent and connect with source.
If you keep expending your energy on things that don't honor you, feed you, or you are not passionate about, then you aren't in the state of allowing new creation. In fact, you are in the opposite energy of being stuck. I literally felt like I was living out the movie Ground Hog's Day. I felt like I couldn't keep repeating the same day over and over and couldn't figure out how to escape.
Many people, places, and situations are dampening fields upon your vibrational growth. They don’t allow you to grow vibrationally. Whatever lesson you were supposed to learn is over, but you feel trapped and find it difficult to cut out what no longer serves your higher good. The first step is being conscious that change needs to occur.
You'll know when it's time to let a friendship or situation go. You no longer feel like seeing them or going to that job. You don't feel connected to that energy.
Changing vibrational frequency reminds me of the original Star Trek episode "Wink of an Eye" where Kirk's vibration is accelerated by a higher vibrational being? The Star Trek crew cannot see him when he is in the same room. (I swear the creator of Star Trek Gene Roddenberry had to have been a time traveler). When he speaks all they can hear is buzzing. That’s how it feels. You feel invisible to others. You don’t fit into their world anymore. In 2017, you were asked to make the choice to either remain in 3D or to change and become 5th dimensional. I decided to accelerate.
Not only did I have to let go of people and situations. I had to let go of the limiting beliefs that allowed them into my life in the first place. I had to realize I created the situation that currently existed in my life. I was at a huge crossroads. I could either continue with the life I didn't want to live or I could create a new one. But I couldn't create a new one with the old belief system or 3D programs of lack and fear running in the background. I became more conscious of every decision, every word I spoke and every thought I had. And I realized much stemmed from my dysfunctional childhood, which my brother living with me helped to identify. If not for him coming to live with me I might not have identified it. My brother was a gift from the Universe showing me that there was very little, love, joy or happiness in our family of origin. And that greatly affected us as adults. When you are used to unloving, unhappy situations you naturally draw that energy to you. So I started to change once he left. I sat with myself and knew I had to change in order to change the situations around me. Your life is a mirror of what you have created in the past with your predominant thoughts and beliefs.
So as the Universe often does, it provided the teacher I needed, Dr. Joe Dispenza. I listened to every youtube video that I could that featured him to understand that I had to change at an energetic level before my external life could change. I had to feel the changes I wanted to create in my life before they became a reality. I spent a lot of time alone this year and started to feel much more positive about my future.
However, during the Christmas holiday this year, I was not in a celebratory mood. For the first time I didn’t go Christmas shopping and didn’t receive any gifts to open, but that was not the reason for the somber emotional state. This entire month was more like a funeral for the "old 3D me." The old me I could not take where I was going vibrationally. Somehow we feel a sense of security with the old us even though we know it hasn't served us well.
Just this week I spoke out loud to spirit “I want out of the matrix.” And Voila I received tons of information on how to do just that. I just happened upon a Facebook live cast that talked about leaving the matrix and a Youtube video as well. Just Google it or search on Youtube.com. It’s all out there for anyone seeking to leave the fear-based 3D world in which most of us are currently living.
2018 is going to prove to be the year many exit 3D. I just feel it, especially in my own life. I have sold most of my furniture. Putting my house up for sale by year’s end and seeking employment in the Florida Panhandle. I am done with the old me. I am done living in the state of fear and lack.

I want to be around like-minded people. People who vibrate at the same frequency. People who are the creators of their own reality. Your vibe will match your tribe. Here’s to another wonderful year of raising our vibration for all of the human tribe! We are truly going where no man has gone before!
Happy New Year everyone. Much love and light!
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