Another Turning point

Sheets are in the washer, dark clothes in the dryer, and dishes in the sink from hash browns, biscuits and sausage at breakfast. It's muggy out and hot for a December, but you never know what you are going to get weather-wise in South Louisiana in the winter. Corwyn's carving up his deer meat from last weekend’s hunt. Sofie, our cat, took a spin in the dryer when I took the last load out and Lucy our dachshund is being lazy as usual and is resting on the sofa. Seems like when my personal life is settled, my professional life is anything but. I am working for an international firm and not liking it and haven’t liked it for nigh on three years. But I tried to get my angel card business off the ground this year, nothing. I might have gotten two paid readings and given over 10 frees ones. I spent $2,000 on an Internet Marketing online course, which didn’t help a whole lot. It seems you have to work full-time at it and I already have a full-time job. What to do? What to do? I ...