Spring Equinox – Total Solar Eclipse – New Beginnings 2015 – StayConscious to the Changes

Today is the Spring Equinox combined with a total solar eclipse.  Both point to new beginnings and that’s just where I find myself this day of March 20, 2015.

I resigned my corporate job that was more draining than fulfilling and gave up on trying to make a four-year relationship work.

So I ponder my unknown future this year wiser and happier and trusting that God will place me along a more joy-filled path.

Eclipses, which are paired in twos, with the total lunar eclipse following on April 4th, brings much needed change. If you have worked on making changes, they won’t be so shocking. If you haven’t, well you are in for a painful ride.

My career and my relationship needed to change and try as I might to keep hanging in there, the planetary energy and God’s destiny for me just wouldn’t allow that to happen. I had to let go and let God.

I believe the old saying “birds of a feather flock together,” which my friend just echoed to me earlier this week, is just the process of moving on in life. Some people don’t change much throughout their lives and I totally do. I am driven to embrace change. And I feel as we change our vibrational frequency during the Ascension process that is happening to humans worldwide, the people, places and things that don’t ascend along with you just leave your life. Like I said either you are consciously aware of this and it’s not all that difficult or you aren’t and it can become an agonizing journey.

Having gone through so many changes throughout my life of more than 50 years now, I welcome change, know that it is coming and realize that is inevitable if you are part of this evolving human experience on the ascension path.

In other words, you can’t pray for enlightenment and expect the things in your life to remain the same. So be careful what you wish and pray for, because God is listening and you are the creator of your life by your predominant thought patterns.

If you are praying for a loving, nurturing and fulfilling relationship and it’s not possible with the relationship you are currently in, you had better be prepared for the relationship to end. And if your thoughts are of a fun-filled career that you are passionate about and your job is anything but, don’t be surprised if the Universe pulls you from that job and onto a path where your dreams of a better vocation can happen.

None of this comes easy or so it has been my experience, but it does get easier as you are more conscious of how the Universe works. I am always watching youtube now, because there are so many new age thought leaders giving us their sage advice on the weekly, monthly energies coming in to astrological and angel card readings on the near future possibilities.

You are drawn to what resonates with you of that there is no doubt. Jobs, people, pets and circumstances are attracted into your life based on your predominant thoughts and your vibrational frequency.

The art of allowing or being patient with Divine Timing gets easier too. Because on one hand you must embrace change, but on the other you cannot force change. You have to allow it to happen and that my dear friends is one of the hardest lessons at least for me.

It basically works like this, you put your intentions out there and keep feeding positive thoughts into them and they will eventually happen. But you don’t plead with God to have them happen now. If you did you would be putting desperation energy out there and the opposite will happen.  Everything in its own time. You can’t rush something that isn’t ready to come to you. You have to leave the relationship that isn’t feeding you and process its aftermath, before you are energetically ready to accept another lover into your life. If you don’t, you will just attract more of the same, something you don’t want.

Everything is a process and is in the stage of birthing and dying. Nothing can stay the same. And in this new energy of today with a total solar eclipse and the Spring Equinox happening, consciously put your intentions out there. Write them down. Do it, have faith, and then detach from the outcome and assuredly miracles will happen for you!


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