Give Yourself Time to Choose Wisely

Many of us enlightened beings on this planet are undergoing deep change. And sometimes it takes time to integrate all those changes.

In my life, I just left an area that kept me stuck. The life path had played itself out and I learned all I could from it. So, I have moved from the Deep South to the Northeast to be near family, and to further my writing career as well as deepen my spiritual life.

I am happy with the move. I just wish things would happen more quickly. I keep getting the message “give it time.” In these new energies, there is no need to force things to happen. And that is very hard for someone who is used to working hard to make things happen.

God is asking us to take a step back at this time at least in my life anyway. Sure, I am taking action on my dreams, but I am being very careful about what I let in this time around. I have learned the hard way that everything that is presented to you isn’t for you. It is merely a choice. In the choosing, we find our way closer to God and the life He wants for us or we get lost.
“Let waiting be our work, as it is His. And, if His waiting is nothing but goodness and graciousness, let ours be nothing but a rejoicing in that goodness, and a confident expectancy of that grace. And, let every thought of waiting become to us the simple expression of unmingled and unutterable blessedness, because it brings us to a God who waits that He may make Himself known to us perfectly as the gracious One.   My soul, wait thou only upon God!” ― Andrew Murray, Waiting on God

In this time of waiting, you may also be presented with many choices. Some will be of the old energy. Others will be new doors opening that will take you in a new direction with new people and new possibilities. You can choose to remain in the old energy which is the safe choice, the familiar choice, or you can push past the fear of change and choose the path that leads to newness, the unfamiliar.

Sometimes I feel that the Universe is testing us to see if what we say is what we really want by presenting us with a familiar choice. Whether it be a relationship that will not honor us or a job that drains us. Will we choose the same situation, or will we wait for the opportunity that will take us in a more fulfilling life direction? The choice is ours to make.

This message isn’t for those stuck in the endless loop of 3D energy. We all know them. Those people aren’t even conscious of choices presented to them by the Universe. They just keep repeating the same story over and over again. If you’ve noticed, those people have dropped away or no longer play a major role in your life. Once your energy changes or you choose to move forward with your spiritual life, your vibration changes to ready you for the new life that awaits you. The people that remain in the same vibration you just chose to leave, will not be able to join you. Integrate the lessons they have shown you and gently release them with love.

For those of us who are conscious of the ascension process happening now on this planet, we are being asked to let the past go and move ahead, but before we can do that we need to BE that. To bring about a new way of being, it must be proceeded by a vibration change in our energy body. Everything that is created externally has to be created internally first.

If for example you just left an abusive work situation, you will attract similar work opportunities until you make a choice to no longer accept that type of work environment. Once you turn down jobs that will only take you down a similar path and start setting intentions for a healthy and honoring work life, you will be presented with the opposite. Wait for the opportunities that excite you, that make you feel alive and challenged all at the same time. You deserve the best.

Get used to remaining still and knowing that all will be revealed in time. Stay strong and remain positive and alert to new opportunities that take you down a higher vibrational path. And be brave enough to not be tempted by similar life choices that will surely be presented to you that are merely a test of your faith. Positive change will eventually come to those who wait and choose wisely!


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