Labor Pains, Birthing a New Earth one Lightworker at a Time!

This last year has been slow going, packed full of false starts, roads that led nowhere and doors that refused to open for many lightworkers. But we still get up in the morning have our coffee or tea and keep on trying. Sure we’ve failed at times, but that doesn’t stop those following the light. The old saying “fall down seven times, get up eight,” really hits home for many of us.
Getting back up means the deep belief that God does have a plan and that we are a part of His divine plan. But when we walk down these dark hallways at times hoping that a path forward will materialize, we begin to wonder if somehow God has forgotten us. He hasn’t.

Divine timing is everything. If I have learned anything in this journey towards the light, waiting for divine timing has been my hardest yet most meaningful lesson. In the past, I’ve pushed doors open that weren’t meant to be walked through by me, with not so happy results.

Now, I have learned to respect God’s decision not to open doors. Sure I am disappointed, but I truly believe everything happens for a reason. And if a door is opened and it still doesn’t work out that to has meaning.

During the last year, I’ve tried on careers hats that didn’t fit, but if I didn’t try how would I have known. I am not the type of person who will complain about something and do nothing to change it. Brave are those that actually try something different. And braver still are those that fail when trying and continue to try again and again.

Failure is not bad in my opinion. Failure is God’s way of saying you aren’t ready yet or not now or
this isn’t the way. We aren’t given the roadmap of our life the day we are born. If we were, how boring would that be?

We have to try different roads, different careers, different friends, different religions, different ways of doing things and different ways of being. If we didn’t, we would not grow. Failure is one way in which we grow. And life isn’t worth living without growth. But growth can be painful at times.

Most people don’t want to experience this pain and remain in unfulfilling jobs, relationships and situations. That’s not me. I’ve always been a brave heart. I will always find ways in which to expand my awareness of life.

To me, life isn’t meant to be monotonous. And like many lightworkers, we are different. We often envy those that stay in the same place or the same jobs all their lives and can be totally satisfied with that existence. We cannot. We want to grow. We want to learn. We want to expand. And I truly believe that’s what God wants for us. He wants to experience through us. And those of us who are more connected to God get the bigger challenges and bigger challenges mean more growth and more pain.

But would we truly want it any other way? NO! Lightworkers are spiritual warriors that venture forward and help others to do the same. We are the way showers of the new earth.

I believe what causes a lot of pain is that most inhabitants of earth are stuck in the old earth paradigm. And lightworkers don’t fit into this old paradigm. We weren’t meant to.

The new earth is being birthed as I write this. The old paradigm is dying, but only those that are in the forefront of this change are aware of this. That’s why most lightworkers feel disconnected. We aren’t supposed to fit in. If we did, we would be part of the old paradigm and not on the leading edge of change.

Stay centered, stay focused and stay awake and realize that you beautiful lightworkers are the change. Just like me, you are a lightworker, and this job isn’t easy. We are supposed to raise the consciousness of those around us by staying conscious. So keep on keeping on my dear lightworkers and know you are making a huge difference in birthing the new earth! And don’t worry about failing. We all fail, but we all get up one more time and try again. Peace and love be with you always!


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