The Continuing Adventures of an American Writer Living Abroad, Toulouse


As I write this, I am on my patio drinking wine and sparkling water and munching on some almonds and dates I bought from the organic co-op minutes from my short-term rental in the centre of Toulouse.

Just having arrived last Friday, Toulouse feels open, happy, bright and flowing. Just being here a few days, I feel more alive. I want to wander out. I want to interact with people again. And people say Bonjour with a smile. Having lived in Poland for over a year, I missed the openness of passersby. So, whatever people say about the French, it just isn’t so. I’ve been to Paris, and I found the same thing. They are friendly and kind to strangers. But I know a little French, having lived in South Louisiana for several years, where the Cajuns speak a dialect of French.

I’ve moved more than 30 times in my life…and stopped counting years ago. I never felt at home in America, but I also had no idea how to move abroad. But I dreamed of it for decades. I finally moved to Poland through an English teaching business. I had gotten my TEFL certificate and was looking to make my leap across the pond. I was to go to Madrid, but COVID put the kibosh on that. So, lo and behold, I found an English teaching program in Poland.

I knew that Poland would be my jumping-off point to the rest of Europe. Moving in the Spring of 2021, I was to have a three-year contract in Poland. But the company I signed on with lost their ability to sponsor my work permit. And there was no way I was moving back to America. So, I was set free after not even a year, and I filed to be a sole trader in Poland to establish legal residency in an EU country. I then started making my moves to leave Poland.

As I stepped off the plane in Toulouse, my largest client texted via What’s App and said I needed to call immediately. In baggage claim, I called, and while my luggage was rolling by me, I was again set free. They ended my contract. It wasn't just me that got laid off. It was several of my colleagues. But we do tend to personalize these types of events. So, onward and upwards! I am seeking a content writing gig that speaks to my soul.

Update: I am now freelancing for the company that laid me I am staying alive and have two other clients. Life is good!

There are a lot of jobs now listed under "content marketing," where words are used to manipulate search engines. And, yes, while I understand the need for this. It's gotten out of hand. If you have a product that people want, you don't have to beat people over the head to buy it. I have a degree in journalism, and my profession was killed by corporations pushing an agenda. So, I went into marketing because I had to adapt or die, but the journalist inside me is dying to write meaningful prose. Writing about a product or service you believe in is easy, but not so with a product that you don't connect with or even want to.

Where writing is going is not what writing is about. Good writing takes you to other places, makes you feel things, and inspires you to take action. And if I write for someone else, I have to be passionate about the topic, and for me, that’s spirituality, wine, art and travel. I am not a machine. I must feel in order to create.

So, I attract into my life a client that appreciates me for my talents and ability to write purposeful and meaningful copy that attracts the right audience. This or something better. Thank you, God!

I don’t know what’s next, but I don’t want to or feel the need to fill the void right away. The Universe will fill it in divine timing. I have put intentions out there long before this contract ended. I know what I want and have put effort into attracting that eventuality.

So, with only less than a week under my belt, I believe this locale is where I am supposed to be right now. And maybe for the rest of my life…and when the Universe aligns me with the right client, that too shall happen.

There’s so much to do here. Toulouse is 1.5 hours from the Mediterranean, 2.5 hours from the Pyrenees, and Bordeaux is just 2.5 hours away. So much culture and history around me. Happy to be alive!

If you are a client seeking a writer, who is passionate about travel and the hospitality industry, check out my professional website.




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