Join My Journey Through the Major Arcana

In order to retain my creative work permit in Poland, I have to provide the Polish government with original creative work. It's called Rachunek, which when translated to English is "bill."

It works like this. Your creative work is given a value. One minute of video is valued at 350 PLN. So, for example, if you make 3,500 PLN a month in Poland, you have to submit a 10-minute video. You can also submit a blog, or poem etc. Each is given a value and it has to add up to the amount of money you earn in Poland. Also, it must be original work you own the copyright to, not something you do as actual work for a company. 

So, since I am passionate about Tarot and I enjoy learning about Tarot, I thought I would do a journey through the Major Arcana. There are 22 Major Arcana cards starting with The Fool, ending with The World card...see my previous blog for more info.


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