Lions Gate A Portal To New Energies and A New Way of Being

Today is the Lions Gate or the eighth day on the eighth month of the year in the astrological sign of Leo, which is represented by the Lion. The Lions Gate is supposed to open a portal to other planets to help elevate the consciousness on the planet, say several new age experts.

“The Lionsgate Portal is considered a gateway into the heavens and into higher realms of consciousness. During this time, higher frequency energies from the star, Sirius are beamed down onto Earth, in order to help advance the human race and raise the consciousness of the planet,"   Forever Conscious website

In my own life, I have noticed a major shift in creativity during the several weeks, which began with the recent eclipse cycle. Since then, I have launched two blogs and several social media sites for my two blogs, which includes this blog and one I am creating with my sister.

My latest blog is called Baby Boom Sisters. I love writing about my life experiences and including my sister who I spend most of my time with here in Connecticut makes it even better. I don’t know where the blog is going to go. It’s just a lot of fun doing it. And the saying is, "follow your heart, your bliss, your truth, and the money will follow."

Perhaps I am finally on the right track after nine years of wandering the country and ending up back in Louisiana for several years. My old blog began in Louisiana and was entitled Following the Light. I took that blog site down during the last full moon eclipse on July 27th. I was done following. I was done being led by my wounds.

Sometimes we must go back and understand where and why those wounds originated and heal them. I did a lot of healing in Louisiana, and it wasn’t an easy experience to become conscious of what I was attracting. And I until I became fully conscious of my thoughts, my words and my vibration, I kept repeating and repeating and repeating the same painful experiences.

Your wounds will lead you. They will hold you in place until you are conscious enough to identify them and then change that pattern. Sure, there will always be scars, healed over, but when you become aware of them and how they affect what you are attracting, things change. Things start to manifest differently.

And I believe that’s what the Lions Gate is all about. It’s about the end to following and being led by our wounds. We are Lightworkers who now must lead the earth into its next phase of evolution. The 5D evolution is upon us. This past nine-year cycle has been ridding ourselves of all the belief patterns that held us into the 3D world.

No more excuses Lightworkers. Take up your bed and walk. We are being given the energies to rise. Rise and follow your heart and not your painful past. Start today.

Here's Ask Angel's website for more info on Lionsgate. For additional information on Lions Gate, just Google it and read or watch what resonates with you!

Next up the 11:11 partial Solar Eclipse on August 11, 2018. Read my previous blog about the eclipse here.

Namaste and much light and love!


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