2017, A One Year! Chocked Full of New Beginnings

Here we are in a one year once again. 2017 will be chocked full of new beginnings and new horizons not yet discovered. This year begins our next nine-year cycle and beyond. For me, 2016 saw many endings as it was a nine-year in a nine-year cycle. In looking back, I now realize much had to end before things would begin in this one year of 2017.

I find myself still living in South Louisiana hoping the economy turns around under a Trump administration. I am freelance copywriting for a technology firm and training to be a Pharmacy Tech at CVS. Seems like life is moving forward pretty quickly, for me anyway.

My brother is still living with me and is still battling depression and an eating addiction. But I am learning that his problems even when he doesn't want to deal with them are his problems.

I've let go of drama people and find myself in a new beginning with my social circle as well. I am very discerning about who I let into my life at this stage of life. And therefore I find myself alone much of the time or with my furbabies, who are now the center of my life. I enjoy coming home to them and caring for them. They bring me so much joy!

I guess the last third of your life is quieter, more peaceful. I am usually in bed by 8 pm if I am not working, reading or Facebooking. I drink the occasional wine, but partying just isn't in the picture anymore. Life is too short to even be around people who think otherwise.

Although I long for a meaningful relationship with the opposite sex, I know that God's timing will bring him to me. Meanwhile, I am working out, working and writing again. Starting over at the cock-a-doo·dle-doo of the Rooster is where I find myself this year.


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